Vegan Jackfruit Tacos (Vegetarian too)

Let’s not only talk about Life and Health insurance. Let’s have a conversation about healthy eating.

Being healthy is an integral part of having a long life. Everyone should want to live as long as possible and be as healthy as possible.

We. The Motte Agency, want to provide you with information to help you make smarter decisions about your life, wellbeing, and future .

Let’s develop the whole you. As they say in the army,

“Be all you can be.”


Jackfruit (Tropical Asia)

This fruit, when cooked, mimics shredded chicken or pork. It has a semi sweet taste when cooked. It truly tastes like you are eating pulled chicken.

Let us know if you have a special diet that we can suggest super foods to help you live an overall healthy lifestyle without spending your e tire day in the kitchen

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