$2950 For Life. Includes: casket, liner, and headstone. Also available for your entire household at NO extra Cost.
Must purchase in advance of needing. Call for quote .
Final Expense Insurance can also be called Burial insurance or funeral insurance
This is definitely something that most people don’t like to talk about because its a serious decision to be made when you’re no longer physically walking the earth.
However we decide to look at the situation, FACT is, all of US will pass that way some day.
We are birthed into this world on a special day and we will have a date that we will expire. Its simply the cycle of life
My job is to give you as much knowledge as I can. My goal is to make sure you are prepared and your family doesn’t have to make tough decisions in the midst of grief.
My story
My mom passed away in 2016 and it was a truly devastating time for my family because things escalated quickly.
I was at her home the day she passed away. The ambulance arrived to her home and whisked her away to the hospital. That day happened so quickly I didn’t have time to think. The attendants came into the hospital room to let the know she passed. Tears and sorrow came over our family.
The next thing that happened was so upsetting, but now as I think back, it’s the hospital personnel’s job to do their unfortunate duty to deal with death.
An attendant or nurse came in the room and asked us what did we want to do with her remains. We only had a few more minutes and they needed to clear the room for someone else.
Unbelievable ! How could they rush us this way. Our mother just passed away! We weren’t prepared to be kicked out of the room minutes after our mom had passed away. We needed some time to process everything.
They wanted to know what funeral home to contact to come and pick up her remains. We were devastated and upset. However, we had to make this decision and make it quickly.
What Can you do
I told you my story so you can get an idea of what is coming to your family one day.
Now that I shared my story, your story can end a little differently. You can have things prepared in advance of the inevitable.
Death is Inevitable
First things first
Contact us for your next Final expense policy. We have one of the best programs available today.
Once you pay for your final expense policy, it’s a done deal. You will be taken care of immediately.
What we offer
Our prices are locked in today and they won’t change no matter the cost of living increase.
Contact us today for a quote.